In laser surgery, a laser beam is focused on the swollen and inflammatory anal tissues (piles or haemorrhoids) to destroy and reduce them. The surgeon employs a tiny beam of laser to focus on the tissues, disrupting blood flow and allowing the tissues to fall off. The technique is non-invasive and does not result in any bleeding or pain. Typically, laser surgery for piles in Kolkata is done as a day-care treatment, with the patient being able to return home within a day. The recuperation time following surgery is usually quick and painless. Anyone who has been advised to have laser surgery for piles will understandably want to know what to expect after the procedure.
What to Expect after Laser Surgery for Piles
After the haemorrhoids have been removed, the patient will be moved to a recovery room where his or her vitals will be monitored. The patient would be monitored until the anaesthetic wears off, the patient can breathe freely, and the vital signs return to normal. After the anaesthetic wears off, the patient may experience little discomfort and pain.
After the surgery, the surgical site will be tender. The anorectal surgeon would administer drugs to help you relax and lessen the pain. The doctor recommends taking sitz baths to help with pain relief.
With piles laser treatment in Kolkata, a patient can return to work after only two or three days of rest, assuming that he or she does not have an underlying health condition that would affect the post-surgical results.
You will be released on the same day or the next after your piles removal laser procedure. For pain control, you wouldn't need much. If the discomfort becomes unbearable, you may seek medical advice before taking a pain reliever.
It may take some time for bowel movements to return to normal after piles surgery. You may feel a minor burning sensation in the anal area while passing the stool. Consult your proctologists to see if stool softeners are necessary.