Are You Too Old to Seek Varicose Veins Treatment?


Varicose veins are a common vein disease, affecting about 30% of adults. Most of the adults suffering from this disease are older than sixty.

If you are in your sixties and suffering from varicose veins, you might be wondering whether it is too late for you to seek varicose veins treatment in Kolkata.


varicose veins specialist in kolkata


Am I Too Old for Varicose Veins Treatment?

Before answering the question, let’s first understand what varicose veins are. Varicose veins are bulging, twisted veins that are most often found on the legs and are caused by an anomaly of the one-way venous valves. The valves malfunction, causing blood to flow backwards and build up in the veins. This pool of blood increases pressure inside the veins causing these to enlarge and become varicose veins.

The best varicose vein doctor in Kolkata says that your age is not as important as your overall health for varicose veins treatment. If you are healthy and active, you are a good candidate for vein treatment, irrespective of your age.

Treatment Options for Varicose Veins

If lifestyle changes like losing weight, exercising or wearing compression stockings do not help, then a doctor will prescribe the following options – 

  1. Surgical Treatment – The best vascular surgeon in Kolkata explains that varicose veins surgery involves an incision in the groin to locate and close off the malfunctioning veins. The veins at the surface may then be removed or stripped. 

Surgical treatment carries more risk and demands a longer recovery time than minimally invasive treatments. 

  1. Minimally invasive treatment - The following minimally invasive treatment options can be used to treat varicose veins:

  • Sclerotherapy - This treatment is beneficial when treating small varicose veins and spider veins. The procedure involves the insertion of a small needle containing a scarring solution into the vein. The scarring in the vein caused by the solution encourages blood to reroute and flow through healthier veins.

  • Endovenous laser treatment – The procedure involves using a small laser fibre or radiofrequency waves to generate heat and damage the veins, causing them to close off.

Do not hold off your treatment because of your age. Consult a doctor if you experience symptoms of varicose veins as soon as possible.

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