Professions that Increase the Risk of Varicose Veins


According to a varicose veins doctor in Kolkata, jobs that require you to 

stand or sit for long hours can increase your chances of developing 

varicose veins. 

Prolonged standing or sitting causes the leg veins to overwork and blood may pool

inside the veins, increasing pressure. The constant pressure can make the interior 

walls of the valves weak over time and lead to painful, ropey, and bulging varicose 


Early symptoms of varicose veins include leg pain, burning sensation, heaviness

and discomfort that eases while sitting but increases with movement or standing.


varicose veins doctor


Here are some of the professions that can increase the chance of developing 

varicose veins – 


Teachers and professors often need to spend most of their time standing in the 

classrooms teaching or sitting down, checking papers, creating study plans 

and curriculum. Studies show that female teachers or professors are more at 

risk of developing varicose veins than men due to pregnancy and trends such 

as wearing heels.

Hospitality, Beauty and Retail

According to researchers, beauty salon employees who are over the age of 45 

and works more than ten hours a day are at a heightened risk of developing 

varicose veins than those who are younger and work for the same hours. 

Similarly, hotel workers, baggage checkers and receptionists are at risk of 

suffering from varicose veins. 


Nurses, especially ward nurses, have a high chance of developing varicose veins 

as they spend most of their working hours (that may extend beyond right hours) 

standing. Doctors who perform extensive surgeries are also at risk, 

says vascular surgeons in Kolkata.

Office or Technical

Office workers or those working in the IT sector may need to sit at their 

desks for long hours. Busy office situations may reduce the number of 

breaks and these workers end up spending most of their time sitting at 

their desks, increasing the chance of varicose veins.


Uber drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers or truck drivers who need to work for 

long shifts end up locked behind their wheel for long hours, sometimes 

more than ten hours at a time. 

How to Reduce the Risk of Varicose Veins

If your profession demands you to sit or stand for long hours, try to break up 

the time into segments to get up and move around, says  

vascular vein doctors in Kolkata. A quick walk during a lunch break can be 

of significant benefit. Doctors also recommend quitting cigarettes, exercising and 

losing excess weight to reduce the risk for varicose veins significantly. Women 

whose profession requires them to stand for long hours should wear supportive 

low-heeled shoes or support hoses rather than high heels.

If you experience any symptoms of varicose veins, it is essential to visit a doctor 

as soon as possible. Many varicose vein treatments are available, including 

home remedies and several types of surgeries.

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