Best Exercises for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that form just under the skin's surface when the valves of the veins become weak or damaged. The condition is common in India, with over ten million cases every year.

According to a varicose vein doctor in Kolkata, being physically active helps improve blood flow and vein health, reducing the chances of varicose veins. If you already have developed the condition, then exercise can't cure them. However, it can ease your discomfort significantly. 


varicose vein laser surgery


Here are the best exercises to lower the chances of developing and easing the discomfort of varicose veins – 


Walking is the easier and one of the most effective exercises to address varicose veins. It improves calf muscle pump action. Varicose vein doctors recommend walking every day for about 30 to 45 minutes. 


The movements done during swimming helps stop blood from pooling in the veins, says a vascular surgeon in Kolkata. If you're new to swimming, start easy by going for 30 seconds of activity, followed by 30 seconds of rest. As you get more comfortable, start increasing the time of activity. 


Cycling can improve muscle strength in your calves, and like swimming, it's a low-impact activity. While cycling, be conscious of your posture. You can simulate the motion by lying on your back and pedalling with your legs raised and bent, if you do not have a bike.

Leg Lifts

Leg lifts are an easy exercise that you can do in your home. It helps stretch the leg muscles. First, lie on your back and stretch your legs straight out. Then, lift up one leg and hold it in the air for some time. Lower the leg and repeat the process with the other leg. Doing the exercise several times helps improve blood flow. 

Calf Raises

Calf raises help to improve blood circulation and is great for helping varicose veins. Spread your feet hip-width apart and stand straight. You can hold onto a wall or chair for balance. Raise your heels slowly up off the floor until you are on your tiptoes. Hold the position for some time. You will be able to feel your calf tightening. Slowly lower your heels and repeat the process several times.


The exercises mentioned above will help you reduce the chances of developing varicose veins. If you are already suffering from the condition, the exercises can also help you lower your pain and discomfort. However, do not expect a cure for your condition at home. Consult a doctor and seek varicose veins treatment in Kolkata

The condition, if left untreated, can cause the veins to damage further and make the pain and swelling worse.

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