Best Surgical Appendicitis Treatment in Kolkata

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix, a finger-shaped pouch on the lower right side of your abdomen, says the doctor of appendix treatment in Kolkata.

Pain in your lower right abdomen is typically caused by appendicitis. However, in most patients, the pain begins near the navel area and subsequently spreads. Appendicitis pain normally worsens as the inflammation gets worse and eventually becomes severe.

Although appendicitis can affect anybody, it most commonly affects people between 10 and 30. The standard treatment is the surgical extraction of the appendix.


appendix treatment in kolkata



When you have appendicitis, your appendix should be extracted as quickly as possible. This procedure is referred to as an appendectomy.

Surgery is frequently advised if there is a possibility of appendicitis, but it has not been possible to make a definitive diagnosis. This is because it is thought to be safer to extract the appendix rather than risk it bursting.

The appendix serves no use in humans and its removal has no long-term consequences, says the best doctor for appendicitis in Kolkata.

Keyhole Surgery 

Keyhole surgery (laparoscopy) is frequently recommended over open surgery for extracting the appendix since the recuperation time is shorter. The procedure entails making three or four small cuts (incisions) in your abdomen.

Special instruments are used, such as:

• A tube through which gas is pumped to inflate your belly, allowing the surgeon to see your appendix clearly and giving them more room to work

• A laparoscope - a small tube with a light and a camera that transmits abdomen images to a television monitor

• Surgical equipment used to extract the appendix

Dissolvable stitches may be used to close the incisions after extracting the appendix. If standard stitches are used, they must be removed at the doctor's office 7 to 10 days later, says the laparoscopic appendix surgeon in Kolkata.

Open Surgery

Keyhole surgery is not advised and open surgery is performed instead in some cases, such as:

• If the appendix has already ruptured and created a bulge known as an appendix mass

• People who have previously undergone open abdominal surgery

To extract the appendix during open surgery, a single bigger cut is made on the lower right side of the abdomen.


One of the primary benefits of keyhole surgery is that recovery time is usually quick, and most patients can leave the hospital within a few days. If the treatment is completed quickly, you may be able to return home within 24 hours, says the doctor of appendix surgery in Kolkata.

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