Laser Piles Surgery is the Best Treatment Option (10 Reasons Why)

Piles is a common condition experienced by thousands of people worldwide.

The condition is not life-threatening; however, if not addressed timely, it can cause discomfort, pain, and complications like anemia, blood clots, infection, skin tags (flap of tissue that hangs off skin), and strangulated hemorrhoids. The 

complications are, however, rare.


piles surgeon in  kolkata

With the new advancements in surgical procedures, treating piles is no longer a long and complicated process.

If you have been suffering from hemorrhoids for a while now, according to the piles doctors in Kolkata, laser surgery is the best treatment for piles.

Laser treatment for piles is an outpatient procedure. It involves the use of a narrow laser beam to shrink or remove the affected tissue without significantly harming the surrounding healthy tissue.

Here are ten reasons why laser piles surgery in Kolkata is preferred by surgeons and patients -

Minimally Invasive Procedure

The laser treatment for piles is a minimally invasive procedure, making it suitable for individuals who fear surgery. During the process, laser beams are used to burn and destroy the blood vessels, causing piles to shrink and disappear.

Local Anesthesia

Since the surgery is performed under local anesthesia, there is no risk of adverse effects associated with general anesthesia. Therefore, the patient will experience minimal discomfort during and after the procedure, says the best laser surgeon in Kolkata.

Minimal Blood Loss

Due to the absence of any large incision, there is minimal blood loss associated with the procedure. 

In contrast to the conventional procedure, which involves manual coagulation, the laser coagulates the involved blood vessels while burning and destroying the blood vessels.

Precise Treatment

There is a high risk of damage to the surrounding tissues during conventional surgery. However, in the case of laser piles surgery in Kolkata, damage to the surrounding healthy tissue is unlikely because of the accurate and precise nature of the laser beams.

Less Painful

The majority of patients fear the pain they may experience after conventional surgery. In the days after surgery, each bowel movement may be excruciatingly painful. However, pain and discomfort are minimal with minimally invasive laser surgery, making it a preferred surgical option for patients.

Outpatient Procedure

Typically, piles laser surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure.

Due to its non-invasive nature, the procedure does not demand intensive post-operative monitoring. Thus, patients who undergo laser surgery do not need to be hospitalized and can return home the same day, says one of the best laser piles surgeons in Kolkata

Quick Recovery

Laser surgery is associated with a shorter recovery period due to the use of local anesthesia, the absence of the need for intensive monitoring, and the reduced time required for healing.

Less Chance of Post Operative Complications

Post-operative complications are more likely to occur upon conventional surgery. 

The complications may include adverse reactions to the general anesthesia, bleeding at the affected site, infection of the incision, and pain and discomfort. 

However, the risk of such complications is minimal with laser surgery.

Significantly Lower Rate of Recurrence

With laser surgery, the recurrence rates of piles are significantly lower, says a piles doctor in Kolkata. Patients are reported to be free of the condition for a more extended period than conventional surgery.

High Success Rate

The outcomes of laser surgery for piles are significantly superior to conventional surgery. The laser can more effectively coagulate the affected blood vessels than conventional surgery.

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