Precautions After Fistula Surgery-By Fistula Doctor


Post fistula surgery most people frequently ignore the measures to be taken following fistula surgery due to weariness. This negligence might lead to further difficulties, weakening the beneficial results of the operation and inducing fistula recurrence, says the best fistula doctor in Kolkata.

Let’s go through the precautions that must be taken following fistula surgery.


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Precautions to Take Following Fistula Surgery

Wound Management

To begin, let us discuss the most basic post-treatment precautions. The wound must be appropriately cared for to recuperate quickly following fistula surgery. If not, the chance of anal fistula recurrence grows. As a result, avoid getting the surgical wound damp and dirty. You need to keep it as clean and dry as possible.


Your doctor will certainly urge you to acquire a regular dressing. If the dressing becomes saturated before your dressing date, go to the doctor as soon as possible to acquire another dressing.

Not doing rigorous work

A few days after undergoing the surgery you can resume your regular routine. However, you should avoid hard lifting and strenuous activities such as outdoor sports for a long time. If you're an athlete, consult your doctor before returning to the field, says the expert of fistula laser treatment in Kolkata.

Consult your doctor if needed

If you encounter a sudden high temperature that lasts for hours, nausea or vomiting, or persistent bleeding from the surgical area, consult your doctor immediately rather than trying to treat the wound yourself. This is by far the most crucial precaution to take post fistula surgery. Don't attempt to be your own doctor; instead, let the professionals handle your recovery.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet

Consume the food recommended by your doctor for smooth and fast recovery following fistula surgery. When recuperating from surgery, your lifestyle becomes extremely important. 

Sitz bath

For anal fistula surgery recovery, your doctor may recommend a sitz bath 2-3 times each day, says the best fistula surgeon in Kolkata.

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