How will you know you have gallbladder cancer? Says the best gallstone surgeon


best gallbladder cancer surgeon

Cancer is a devastating illness, as we all know, and it may affect any part of the body, like breast, lung, or blood cancer. Are you familiar with gallbladder cancer among the malignancies listed above? According to the best gallstone surgeon in Kolkata, almost 4 out of 5 people with gallbladder cancer have gallstones; however, every case of gallstone does not mean the patient has gallbladder cancer. But how will you know that you have gallbladder cancer? Before discussing that, let's start with the causes and risk factors of gallbladder cancer.

Causes & risk factors of gallbladder cancer- Explains the best gallstone surgeon.

According to a surgical gastroenterologist in Kolkata, the following are the causes and risk factors of gallbladder cancer:

     Age: Gallbladder cancer is more likely to be discovered in those over 70.

     Gender: Women are more likely to develop gallbladder cancer than males

     Gallstones: Individuals with gallstones or a history of gallstones are more susceptible to gallbladder cancer.

     Smoking: It raises the possibility of gallbladder cancer.

     Family history: Gallbladder cancer runs in families, so those who have a history of the disease are more likely to have it themselves.

     Obesity: Compared to other people, obese individuals have a higher chance of developing gallbladder cancer.

     Gallbladder polyps: When gallstones get embedded in the gallbladder wall, gallbladder polyps develop. This is why a laparoscopic gallbladder surgeon advises removing the gallbladder if the size of the polyps is more than 1 cm. 

So these are the causes and risk factors of gallbladder cancer. Now, let’s see the symptoms of gallbladder cancer.

Symptoms of gallbladder cancer- Says the best gallstone surgeon

Since the gallbladder is positioned deep inside the body, it might be challenging to identify gallbladder cancer early-stage signs. Sometimes the patient exhibits no symptoms at all. However, some patients do exhibit the following warning indications indicated below:

     Abdominal pain


     Bloating in the abdomen

     Irritation and vomiting

     Appetite loss or weight loss

Do not ignore these health problems if you or a loved one has been experiencing them for a while. Instead, get treatment from the best gallstone surgeon in Kolkata.

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