Dos and Don'ts After Undergoing Laser Piles Surgery

Laser Piles Surgery

 Laser piles surgery usually takes only 40 minutes to complete the treatment procedure. Laser treatments for piles are more efficient and provide prompt relief than conventional surgical procedures. There is little to no postoperative discomfort with laser surgery, as there are no incisions or stitches. However, after laser treatment, it is important that patients keep themselves under a strict recovery schedule.

What to do after a laser piles surgery?

Here are a few things you need to follow, suggests the best laser surgeon in Kolkata

     Eat foods with little residue, and avoid adding bulk to your stool.

     Before eating solid foods, start consuming clear liquids to reduce nausea, vomiting, and constipation.

     Juices, jellies, and soups can all be consumed because they are soft and simple to digest.

     After a few days of laser surgery, you can eat solid foods like soft-cooked vegetables, mashed potatoes, and lean meats. Make sure to drink enough water—at least eight glasses per day.

     Continue consuming a lot of water and avoid constipation at all costs.

     To prevent swelling or discomfort in your anal region, include fruits, green vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.

What should you not do after laser piles surgery?

Here are a few things you must avoid as per the suggestion of the best piles surgeon in Kolkata

     Avoid consuming heavy foods immediately since they make your stools very bulky and difficult to pass.

     Eat less of the foods that cause constipation, such as dairy products, hard-to-digest proteins, and milk.

     Sugar items should be avoided since they might result in constipation.

     For a few days, avoid disturbing the operation site.

     Avoid consuming caffeine-containing beverages.

     Avoid rubbing tissue papers or a towel over the anal region since doing so can irritate it.

     Avoid straining yourself when passing stools.

     For a few days, avoid carrying big stuff.

     Exercises using weights shouldn't be done at the gym.

    These are a few dos and don’ts you need to keep in mind for effective recovery after laser piles surgery in Kolkata.

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