Why do people treat piles as a taboo?

piles surgery in Kolkata

Piles, also known as haemorrhoids, are enlarged blood vessels in the anal canal. According to a piles doctor in Kolkata, the occurrence of piles is frequently triggered by straining during bowel movements, pregnancy, or lengthy durations of sitting on the toilet. The treatment for piles is based on the severity and the current condition of the problem.

External piles are unpleasant and itchy that form under the skin surrounding the anus. Over-the-counter lotions or ointments can be beneficial in easing minor symptoms. Internal piles are not visible and are positioned within the rectum. In extreme situations, surgery may be required to remove the haemorrhoids.

Before discussing why piles are treated as a taboo, it is important to know the symptoms of piles.

Symptoms of piles- Says a piles doctor in Kolkata

There are numerous symptoms of piles. Common symptoms include intestinal bleeding, anal soreness or discomfort, itching around the anus, and mucus discharge.

In certain situations, piles can cause prolapse, which is when tissue protrudes from the anus. If you have any of these symptoms, you should contact the best piles surgeon immediately for treatment. 

Why are piles still considered taboo?

Despite being so widespread, there is still a lot of stigma around the issue of piles. As it is related to bowel motions, piles are sometimes seen as a taboo subject and treated as an embarrassing issue. This might make it difficult for patients to communicate their symptoms and seek treatment. There are several reasons why piles remain a taboo subject.

One reason is that piles are sometimes regarded as a symptom of inadequate hygiene. 

Another reason is that piles are linked to anal intercourse. This is because piles are frequently produced by increased pressure on the blood vessels in the anal area during sex and might make individuals feel awkward while discussing them. Apart from this, piles can be unpleasant and irritating and make it difficult to discuss. 

These are the reasons which signify that many people still treat piles as a taboo. To avoid this stigma, you must consult a piles doctor and understand why it is necessary to avoid treating piles as a taboo.

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