What is Hernia? Causes & Treatment of Hernia


Hernia cause and treatment in kolkata

A hernia occurs when an organ comes out through a weakened area in a muscle or tissue. A hernia is a common problem and, at times, can prove to be painful and uncomfortable. Mostly hernia occurs between the hip and the chest, but they may also develop in the upper thighs and groin areas, said the best hernia surgeon in KolkataIf left untreated, a hernia can prove to be fatal and lead to dangerous complications. 


In this blog, we will discuss the causes and effective treatment options for a hernia. 


Causes & Warning Signs of Hernia: Explains the best hernia surgeon 

A hernia is mainly caused by weakness in the muscles, which may be present from birth or develop due to strain in the abdominal and groin areas. 


Some of the other causes of hernia are as follows, as indicated by a hernia doctor in Kolkata:

        Congenital condition 


        Rigorous exercise or lifting of heavy objects 

        Chronic constipation 

        Heavy coughing 



A well-known hernia specialist in Kolkata also stated some of the risk factors which can increase your risk of developing a hernia. 

        Premature birth or low birth weight 


        Being overweight 

        Cystic fibrosis

        Family history of hernia

        Enlarged prostate 

        Straining to urinate 


Some patients might not experience any symptoms in the early stage of hernia, stated the best hernia surgeon. However, when symptoms occur, they may include the following. 

        Weakness or pressure in the groin


        Pain and swelling

        Have a hard time swallowing 

        Persistent heartburn 

        Burning sensation at the bulge 


If you experience any of these symptoms, it is advised to consult a hernia specialist to identify the type and cause of the hernia. 


Treatment of hernia: Explains the best hernia surgeon 

Treatment of hernia depends upon its type and cause. In most cases, surgery is the most recommended treatment option for a hernia. A top hernia specialist in Kolkata may perform one of the types of hernia surgery. 


        Open hernia surgery: Here, a cut is made near the location of the hernia, and the protruding tissue is put back in place, after which the area is stitched. Sometimes, a type of mesh is also implanted near the area to provide support. 

        Laparoscopic hernia surgery: Here, instead of making cuts near the area, tiny incisions are made to insert the required surgical tools and complete the procedure. 



After the surgery, you will be given follow-up care instructions for a speedy and quick recovery. However, if you face any issues, you must consult your doctor and discuss your concerns.

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